
Showing posts from January, 2018

Boulder, CO. The international capital of atmospheric research?

International collaboration is a cornerstone of modern science. This is why funding agencies generally make mobility an important part of any funding application. Academy of Finland is not different and my Academy Research Fellow project includes several instances of mobility. As I was preparing my proposal including ozone reactivity measurements, I was made aware of the unpublished work from Prof. Detlev Helmig and his team on this topic at the  Atmospheric Research Laboratory (ARL) , part of the  Institute for Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR) at the University of Colorado in Boulder. After contacting Prof. Helmig, he agreed to host a laboratory visit in order for me to get familiar with their method. As the project got funded, the visit was settled for the beginning of 2018. Therefore, after visiting Prof. Matsumoto in Tokyo , I embarked on another trip, this time to the United States of America, and this time together with Anssi . I stayed for three weeks the...

My visit at Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan

Prof. Jun Matsumoto ( Waseda University , Tokyo, Japan) is one of the few researcher that has published about his experimental research on ozone reactivity. I recently visited his laboratory on the Tokorozawa Campus to discuss his research. As I was reading about ozone reactivity measurements for proposals, a name stood out: Prof. Jun Matsumoto. He published results from ozone reactivity measurements a few years ago (Matsumoto, 2014) and I contacted him to ask if he would be wiling to host me for a visit at the beginning of the project to familiarize myself with his method. He agreed and as the proposal got funded , I started to organize my trip to Tokyo, which took place at the end of November and beginning of December. Prof. Matsumoto met me on the first day at the Tokorozawa train station, next to my hotel, and we traveled together with train and bus to the university campus. There we first discussed about the current state of his research and on the following day, we visited ...