Time flies and personal thoughts on outreach

Have you ever had that feeling that a day, a week, or a month has just gone by at such a high pace, that you barely grasped the time flying by? This is what just happened to me as I realized that I haven't been writing for this blog since December! Both life at work and outside of work were quite busy, which contributed to me not noticing time passing by so quickly. At work, I was busy updating and finalizing a manuscript - previously rejected - which is finally available for discussion in the Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussion (open access) journal. Outside work, theatre has been keeping me busy, as I was helping my friends from Soup Troupe and The Really Small Theatre Company with their production of Apologia by Alexi Kaye Campbell (as stage manager), which is performed these days in Helsinki. As I was reviewing the past few months to analyse why it went by so fast, I remembered also one thing that I did last year, but about which I dot not write...