Of good luck and bad luck...

For many, 2020 will be remembered as quite a unique year, as many around the world are affected by the coronavirus pandemic and stay home for work, schools are closed, and everyone adapt to the unusual situation. In particular, for scientists, 2020 will be the year of the cancellations of not only international conferences, but also measurement campaigns. Last year, I was trying to organise a measurement campaign in Switzerland in 2020 for my projec t, but for various reasons, this was not possible. As an alternative, we decided to bring reactivity instruments (for both OH and ozone reactivity, the very first time this combination has been ever used to our knowledge) to Pallas in the Finnish Lapland in late March. As Anssi and I were preparing for the trip, COVID-19 slowly took on the news' cycle and Switzerland got hit quite badly by the pandemic. Did we just dodged a bullet? I guess we took a lucky decision without knowing. Still the first cases of COVID-19 were reported als...